The Poverty Project is a comprehensive report that is produced periodically about the poor population in Fauquier County. Many residents of Fauquier County don’t realize the magnitude of the problem, because it isn’t always visible from the main roads and developed areas that they travel every day. This report is meant to be used as a tool to both educate the community, and to get the community involved in finding solutions. As we move into a post-pandemic social environment, we’d like to start forming discussion groups throughout the county who will brainstorm ways to increase awareness and assistance for poverty-struck areas and individuals.
Our model for the Firewood Ministry worked extremely well. We have been able to “match” people who need to have downed trees removed from their property with people who need firewood to keep warm in the winter. This was facilitated by churches providing a space for the processing and transfer to occur. We believe with some creative thinking and some collaboration across the community, we may be able to find a model for addressing poverty-related needs as well.
If you’d like to join or start a discussion group, or if you have other ideas or resources that could help us move this project forward, please contact us!